#Authors #Marketing Yourself and Your Work Part ONE

Definitely Worth Reading

What can I say about Susan M. Toy? Apart from being a successful self-published author, her experience in all aspects of the book industry makes her an incredibly valuable source of information about becoming a self-published author. (She’s also an incredibly lovely person.)

I’ve reblogged the first part of her five-part series, Authors Marketing Yourself and Your Work, from her guest spot on Chris The Story Reading Ape’s blog, and you can follow the other parts from there. It’s a series that all indie authors should read.

Susan was also featured as a guest author on our favourite literate primate’s Website. It’s an amazing story that you won’t want to miss and, as usual, Chris has been kind enough to include an exhaustive list of links to where you can find Susan.

Because I’m lazier than Chris, I’ve just included Susan’s Website, “Island Editions.” There is a great deal of helpful information and fun stuff there.

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog


Cartoon from Toonpool.com

The following is an extract from a talk delivered at the Calgary Public Library in Feb. 2011.

Part 1

Before I begin, please watch this video:

Β .

I’ve named these two characters Wannabe Author (WA) and Real Author(RA).

How many of you have ever said any of the things Wannabe Author says in this video? Come on, be honest. Okay, then, how many of you have heard other writers say any of these things? And, like Real Author, haven’t you just wanted to put them and everyone else out of their misery by ignoring whatever they say? Obviously, Wannabe Author is the least promotable kind of author. First of all, Wannabe is never likely to be published, so will be of little worry to the publishing industry anyway. WA is not listening to an experienced author, knows nothing about the publishing business, and thinks the path to…

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