Nurturing the Relationship Between the Digital World and Print Publishing | Digital Book World

In a blog post for Digital Book World, Matt Goolding explains how print and digital publishing can work together.

Source: Nurturing the Relationship Between the Digital World and Print Publishing | Digital Book World

The State of the Author – The Writing Platform

This is an interesting article that might be of interest to anyone considering traditional publishing. The site on which it appears, The Writing Platform, is a free online resource for writers that may be worth checking out.

Below, then, is the beginning of the article. Click on the source link below to read the full article.


I have been asked to talk to the state of the author in traditional publishing but I must say that I do not recognise the dichotomy. The SoA represents about 9,500 authors. They write in vastly different genres and vastly different media: from novelists to textbook writers, from poets to ghost writers, from broadcasters to academics, from illustrators to translators, from spoken word artists to journalists. Some are traditionally published, some are self published, some are hybrids and some don’t publish in any traditional sense. What they have in common is that they are PROFESSIONAL authors.

Source: The State of the Author – The Writing Platform

An Alternative Model of Traditional Publishing: The Story of Runaway Smile

Nicholas C. Rossis, author of Runaway Smile and the Pearseus series, has openly shared how he was able to negotiate with a publisher to retain rights to his children’s book Runaway Smile. It’s both a cautionary tale about reading the fine print before signing up with a publisher, and a story of hope for the future of relations between authors and publishers. If you are considering going with a traditional publisher rather than self-publishing, you need to read this insightful article first!

Runaway Smile is a “Connie’s Pick.” Read my review of the book here, and my interview with Nicholas here.


Nicholas C. Rossis

From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books, including Το Χαμένο ΧαμόγελοI have decided to offer a tell-all of the story behind Runaway Smile on my blog. This is done for two reasons: first, I want to thank all the people who made it possible, especially Dimitris Fousekis and George Vasdekis. Second, I want to inspire any authors who are looking for a way to get published without surrendering all rights to their hard work, but for whatever reason are not interested in self-publishing.

The Runaway Smile started out as a silly poem that I was playing with in my head (you can read the final version of it at the end of the book). One day, back in 2012, I was having my childhood friend, Dimitris Fousekis, over for lunch. He’s a professional illustrator and liked the poem so much, that he suggested we turn it into a children’s book. This was before I decided to become an author…

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